Mamie Stella is the 1st brand of nomadic fabric huts, practical and made in France that can be created alone or with others. Mamie Stella is a decorative and functional alternative to the home-made blanket hut.


With my husband and my children, like everyone else, we were able to experiment with the creation of homemade blanket huts: in the living room, under the table, in a bedroom, at the foot of a bed , with a blanket, a plaid, a tablecloth… And with the observation that it is always difficult to make this building stand up to play under it and in general to have access to this recreational activity simply.

We then thought of a veil of fabric in a light material and consistent with our values ​​and it is quite naturally that we opted for organic cotton certified OEKO TEX and not dyed. This sail, we will quickly call it La Guitoune , which means home, shelter in many dialects and in reference to our family origins. It could be tied to anything you want: a chair, a tree, a doorknob ... So as not to be forced to use ropes, books, clothes pegs ... to hold this building up, as traditionally when 'we build a hut with blankets, we have thought of and developed small weights to be filled in which allow our Guitoune to hold in place and position it as desired. Finally, a transport strap, also in undyed cotton, allows the Guitoune, once folded, to be taken everywhere: from one house to another, from a holiday home to a guest house. , from undergrowth to a beach ... without limit!

Since we were parents, we have also become more and more aware of the need to transmit strong values ​​of sharing, commitment and respect in a global way. To take care of yourself so that you can take care of others. It is therefore quite natural that we turned to French suppliers and partners, with whom we can discuss, build relationships of trust and proximity and reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible. We have our products made in professional integration workshops near Avignon and we are happy that Christiane, Justyna, Kadiatou, Laura, Marie, Myriam, Sindy, Ramona and Raphael who make Mamie Stella products with love and talent.

The cabin is also the allegory of the house we build. The secure kernel.

It is the scene of moments of life: from a romantic evening to a family breakfast, including a nap for the children.

With multiple possibilities and a timeless white color, the cabin adapts to any tasteful interior.

The so-called alternative pedagogies such as Montessori and Steiner Waldorf pedagogy put the individual at the center of concerns and it is in this sense that our nomadic fabric hut makes it possible to develop the cognitive and creative capacities of children (and parents) as well as their motor skills, their psychomotricity, to begin to conceptualize, to develop the notions of intimacy and of construction of the identity while allowing to be a reassuring space necessary for example for the management of the emotions.

We designed the Guitoune to be completed with accessories in order to fit in with time and become a real family heirloom that we pass on and that lasts over time.It is therefore quite natural that the idea of ​​a French PEFC wooden gantry crane, which will be available in early 2022 and allowing the Guitoune to be completely autonomous and scalable, sealed our approach

Tipi, tent, adjustable ephemeral support, for the greatest epics, the portico of the Guitoune also allows you to be totally nomadic thanks to its quick and ingenious assembly.

Finally to chill, love each other and experience even more fun moments, we have developed a range of complementary accessories that open up and nourish our development desires for the Mamie Stella brand that we want to send to families or to oneself.

Like our Guitoune, our products bind together and can be used alone or with others. In fact, our BIG CUSHIONS will accompany you in your most cozy moments, our Frous-Frous garlands brighten up your Guitoune or your interiors for a festive air or a more dreamlike air.

Why Grandma Stella?

Grandma Stella is my story, but it's also my family story. From my grandparents, from my grandmother Stella. From my husband. Of my three children. From my loving family, and from my friends. Personalities and universes that inspire me.

And my desire to make my dreams come true, without limits.

Grandma , female root of the family.

Stella , homage to my grandmother and what she built.

Ma Mie , my love in old French.

Ma Mie ste lla , my love is here.

My friend , my friend.

My friend ste lla , my friend is here.

& finally,

My Mie Stella , my love Stella, in homage to my grandfather, Jean-Pierre who taught me everything, who always loved my grandmother, Stella and who was part of of those human beings, emphatic, committed, hardworking and deeply human who deserve to be known.

This is what Granny Stella is born out of.

You too can embark on our adventure and live for the family that looks like you.

You are enough.

You are enough.

All the resources are within you.

Make our cabin your home away from home.

Who is behind the Mamie Stella brand?

I am Estelle, creator of Mamie Stella. Jack-of-all-trades and self-taught, I have multiple skills and interests. Following my intuition, doing what you love without going into a box: this is what drives me. Strong and sensitive, my personal and family history has led me to reinvent myself and take back roads.

A mother of three children, I am very attached to the family unit, to the family and to the love that emanates from it. For me, the family has no predefined rules, it is built around what seems essential to us.

After having worked in the world of skincare, working in different professional spaces and never having lost sight of my childhood dreams, it is quite naturally, and with strong skills, that she, I turn to entrepreneurship to develop the brand universe in the image of the family: Mamie Stella.

Surrounded and helped by the expertise of my husband, Saber, graduate in education sciences, daddy hen and jack-of-all-trades, it is together and with the complicity of our three young children that we have imagined this creative, poetic project full of meaning for us.

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